Minggu, 15 September 2013

How God's Loving You

Sometimes I did not realize
God gave me many valuable things
Father, Mother, and the people who loved me
They smile when I smile
They stroked my shoulder when I cry

I can not understand
The problem is a gift
God has given me
I always believe that there are wheels of life
always there
And I believe he will always revolve
As long as God commanded him to spin
After crying I was awarded a smile from God
After God gives grace to smile again
Be a test of patience
I always believed that
Because I always feel it
But sometimes hard to accept the meaning of a "problem"
I was so hypocritical
When I smile, I say with confidence "God is just"
But when I cried because of a problem, I doubt "Does God really fair?"
It was hard to feel when I cry and be assured that all of that is the way God loves me

The problem is a gift
Drag your breath deep
and tell them firmly "I could have defeated him with a smile"

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