Sabtu, 30 Agustus 2014

Birthday Wishes

Live as long as you may. The first twenty years are the longest half of your life. 
- Robert Southey -

I want to wish happy birthday to someone, whose arms not only hold me when I'm sad but also hug me tight in my weakest moment. His presence in my life, made my life worth living and given me magical feelings, he changed my life in more ways than he know. Today is the 21st birthday , and I want to wish all the best for him.
I wish for something good to happen for him.
I wish for him to always keep in touch with Allah.
I wish for him to have the courage to ask for what he want.
I wish for him to find happiness.
I wish for him to always healthy and enjoy his life.
I wish for him to have the wisdom.
I wish for him to have the patience.
I wish for him to will be more calm and not emotions.
I wish for him to could control his anger well.
I wish for him to grow up.
I wish for him to success on his career and everything.
I wish for him to have strength and tenacity to keep reaching for his dreams, even when the odds seem stacked against him. 
And many more wishes that I cannot write in here.

I wish…

I wish for good things to happen.

Rabu, 20 Agustus 2014

Dear God

Dear God,
Please forgive me, forgive my sins.
Please help me through this difficult time.
Please take this burden from me.
Let me be whole again.
Let me walk in right way.
Dear God,
I know that I do not deserve your forgiveness,
but I pray that You will help someone like me.
I took You for granted for so long and I'm sorry for that.
I found You and then lost You again and again.
You let me find You one more time, and for that I'm grateful.
Dear God,
Please come into my heart and fill me with peace.
Please watch over me.
Please guide me.

Jumat, 04 Juli 2014

Jumat, 23 Mei 2014

Preparat Histologi

Preparat Arteri

Preparat Duodenum 40X

Preparat Duodenum 400X

Preparat Kelenjar Adrenal

Preparat Renal

Preparat Hepar

Preparat Lung

Preparat Kelenjar Tiroid

Preparat Trakea

Preparat Serebelum

Preparat Otot Jantung

Preparat Sel Darah

Minggu, 02 Maret 2014

Last month I've loved.
Last month I've lost.
Last month was hard.
Hard, but I learned a lot.
I've learned that people can be fake. I've learned that people can hurt you a lot without giving a shit about it. I've learned that great  people aren't always good. I've learned that good people can changes in a minute when their hearts get broken. But the most important thing I've learned  is that every person is strong enough to let go. To let go out of that painful past of yours that broke your heart into million pieces. People come and go, that's life. The most important thing is to stand up and realize that you deserve something better than a person that gives up on you.

Jumat, 03 Januari 2014

 I asked my mother
My mother replied